How does it go again?

Spelling is a very essential part to writing that a lot of new writers surprisingly do not seem to grasp.

I’m not saying that in order to be good writer, you have to be able to spell every word ever, but you should be fairly fluent in the art of spelling. Or at least have access to a dictionary in order to double check your spelling. Not being sure about the makeup of a word can lead to mistakes, so one should always check with another source in order to confirm a spelling.

Incorrect spelling can cause you to lose credibility with whatever it is you are writing, so be careful and make sure to thoroughly check your writing. Even if Microsoft Word doesn’t pick it up for you, the spelling could still be incorrect. With words such as there, their, and they’re, spelling can change the meaning of a sentence drastically, so be sure you have also selected the correct spelling.

A common spelling error relative to the there, their, they’re dilemma is the your and you’re issue. “Your” is describing something that is yours, something that you have, whilst “you’re” is saying that you are doing something. This distinction is fairly important to understand for young writers and readers everywhere. A lot of times on Facebook, I see people get these two words mixed up, causing what they are saying to lose its relevance to me completely. And that’s what could happen to writer who makes too many of these mistakes.

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